Nomination Process
- Is a voter of the school division on the day of the election (to be a voter you must be 18 years of age)
- Is a Canadian citizen at the time that he or she submits his or her nomination paper and:
- Has resided:
- In the school division for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which he or she submitted the nomination paper; and
- In Saskatchewan for at least six months immediately preceding the date on which he or she submitted the nomination paper.
Completion of the Nomination Paper
Nomination papers can be submitted personally or by agent, by registered mail, by ordinary mail, by electronic email. Nominations papers must be submitted no earlier than the date specified by the Returning Officer and received no later than 4:00 p.m. on Nomination Day.
The form will be received based on completeness, and must:
- Be signed by exactly 10 nominators who are electors of the subdivision where the candidate is seeking election.
- Include the street road address or the legal land description of the land on which the nominee's right to vote is based (location of residence);
- Include each nominator's street road address or the legal land description on which the nominator's right to vote is based. (location of residence).
- Include the nominee's acceptance of the nomination statement.
The candidates' acceptance of nomination form must accompany the nomination form to complete the submission process. It must include:
- Signature of the person nominated.
- Contact information of the person nominated.
- Signature of two witnesses who do not have to be electors of the school division;
Accepted nominations will be posted on pvsd.ca and at the Prairie Valley School Division Education Centre, 3080 N Albert St, R.M. of Sherwood, SK, S4K 0A8.
Completion of the Nomination Paper for First Nations Designated Subdivision
The Zagime Anishinabek First Nation has been designated as a subdivision (Subdivision #10) in Prairie Valley School Division. The eligibility and nomination process for this subdivision is a bit different than the other subdivisions.
The eligibility to run as a candidate is similar the that of a person running in another subdivision but there are some differences in the nomination form itself:
- The Nomination form must be signed by at least five (5) persons who are:
- 18 years of age
- Band Members residing in the First Nation subdivision; and
- Contain a complete portion of the 'Candidate Acceptance' that is signed by the candidate being nominated and witnessed by two other individuals.
Receipt of Nominations
A candidate may file a nomination paper, personally or by agent:
- In-person during normal office hours, or by ordinary mail or registered mail, from the date specified by the Returning Officer until 4:00 p.m. on nomination day, at the Prairie Valley School Division, 3080 N Albert St, R.M. of Sherwood, SK, S4K 0A8.
- By email to [email protected] Time stamp validation for electronic submissions will be that of the PVSD mail server.
- The onus is on the nominee to file an accurate nomination paper.
- Each nominee will receive a copy of the receipt (Form K) once the nomination paper has been accepted.
Withdrawal Period
The act makes provisions for a person to withdraw his or her nomination any time after the form has been filed, during normal office hours, up to 24 hours after the close of nominations. The withdrawal request (in writing) must be filed with the Returning Officer signed by the person nominated and two (2) witnesses or the returning office or nominations officer.
If you have further questions, please call the Returning Officer appointed for the Election, or email [email protected]
Voting in a School Board Election
Eligibility to Vote
On election day:
- Canadian Citizen;
- 18 years of age; and
- Has resided in the school division for at least 3 consecutive months and has resided in Saskatchewan for at least 6 consecutive months before election day.
- An elector must vote only in the subdivision in which they are a resident.
Identification Requirements for Voters (Section 110 & 111 of the Act)
The voter will provide the following valid identifications:
- Government issued ID with photo, name, and address, or;
- Two non-photo pieces of identification that displays the name and address on at least one of the documents presented or;
- Qualified voters can vouch for another voter with no ID. In this case, there are additional forms to be completed.
- Appendix D Table 1 of the regulations provides acceptable documents.
- Candidates or agents may object to the eligibility of a voter who has not yet voted.
- the objections are referred to the DRO, not the voter.
- A candidate or agent does not have to provide a reason for the objection.
- An objection does not automatically disqualify the voter.
- Make note on the registration form the name of the person who made the objection, and initial the entry.
- Allow person to vote
- A person is not entitled to vote if the person fails or refuses to:
- Make a declaration (i.e., Voter Registration form)
- Establish his or her identity as per Section 110 of the Act.
Appendix D Table 1 - Voter Identification
November 2024 Elections Results
Subdivision #1 - Lisa Grudnizki - Acclaimed
Subdivision #2 - Charla Sebastian - Elected
Subdivision #3 - Karla Esplin - Elected
Subdivision #4 - Meghan Laverdiere - Elected
Subdivision #5 - Jennifer Kraushaar - Elected
Subdivision #6 - Terry Berglund - Acclaimed
Subdivision #7 - Janet Kotylak - Acclaimed
Subdivision #8 - Andrew Boschman - Elected
Subdivision #9 - Kimberly Kiel - Elected
Subdivision #10 - Rachel Sangwais - Acclaimed
Declaration of Results November 2024
November 2023 By-election Results
Subdivision #9 - Kimberly Kiel - Elected
Declaration of Results November 2023
November 2020 Elections Results
Subdivision #1 - Lisa Grudnizki – Acclaimed
Subdivision #2 - Verne Barber – Acclaimed
Subdivision #3 - Marlene Blatter - Acclaimed
Subdivision #4 - Tara-Leigh Heslip - Elected
Subdivision #5 - Jana Wolfe – Acclaimed
Subdivision #6 - Terry Berglund - Acclaimed
Subdivision #7 - Janet Kotylak – Acclaimed
Subdivision #8 - Judy Bradley - Acclaimed
Subdivision #9 - Frank Thauberger - Acclaimed
Subdivision #10 - Rachel Sangwais – Elected
Declaration of Results November 2020