Bert Fox Students Shine in Leadership Roles at Treaty 4 Gathering

Some of the activities developed by students and staff from BFCHS include Indigenous math games, canoe safety demonstrations and a trading post simulation highlighting issues related to Canada’s Treaty history and reconciliation. People attending the Treaty 4 Gathering, including students from other schools, are able to increase their understanding of Indigenous culture through participating in these activities.

Grade 11 student Jessica Schultz is one of the student activity leaders. As part of her course work, she has created a children’s book about traditional medicinal plants. She will be presenting the book to other students attending Treaty 4.

Jessica’s class learned about traditional medicinal plants through teachings from a Prairie Valley Indigenous Liaison. “I’m honoured to be able to acquire that learning and knowledge and then to be able to talk to other kids about it,” Jessica said.

“I think it’s a great thing to understand and learn, being from the community of Fort Qu’Appelle,” she continued.

This year’s Treaty 4 Gathering marks the 150th anniversary of the signing of Treaty 4.

To learn more about the Treaty 4 Gathering, click here