Prairie Valley Board Hosts Student Senates

The Prairie Valley Board of Education’s 2023-2024 Student Senates were held this week, providing an opportunity for students to discuss the education issues that matter most to them.

The Middle Years Student Senate was held Monday, November 27 at the Treaty Four Governance Centre in Fort Qu’Appelle for students in Grades 6 to 8. The High School Student Senate was held Thursday, November 30 at Indian Head High School for students in Grades 9 to 12.

A wide range of topics was discussed at the Student Senates. Much of the discussion stemmed from a set of questions provided to the participating student representatives who gather feedback from their peers at their respective schools. There was also a question-and-answer session at the end of the senates which allowed students to ask board members and senior staff about other issues.

During the Student Senates, notes are taken to capture comments from students. These notes are then compiled into a report that is reviewed by the Board. Students receive a summary outlining what was said and what changes will be made in both the short and long term. 

As Board members do their work of overseeing educational programs and implementing new initiatives, they use this information to ensure their decisions align with what they’ve heard from students. School division administration also takes this information into account as policies and programs are being developed. The feedback from the Students Senates ensures a strong student voice continues to inform the priorities in Prairie Valley’s strategic plan.