From Gord's Desk - November 24, 2023

As a farm kid I always loved fall work - finishing up harvest, reaping the rewards of the garden and moving the cattle off the pasture. Fall also brought on the routines needed to manage the Saskatchewan winter. The school year is very similar, as the students have been in class for more than 50 days, the routines are well established, and we are heading into the first reporting period. The transition of school sports moves from volleyball, football, golf and cross-country running to basketball, curling and badminton. PVSD has had many outstanding athletic performances this fall. Congratulations to all the student athletes that participated in the variety of sports and a big thank to all the coaches that provide these opportunities. PVSD also had the opportunity to host several regional and provincial playdowns.

I would also like to send appreciation to all the staff and community members who prepared Remembrance Day services. Events that bring community and school together are always encouraged. I had the opportunity to attend a ceremony and was so impressed with the students' level of engagement and respect.

I have been able to visit 24 of the 39 schools in PVSD. I truly appreciate the warm receptions (I even got a hug one morning from a grade 2 boy, I think he liked my tie!!) and the excellent conversations I have had thus far with students and staff. School visits are truly a highlight of my work! Being able to come into schools and see the amazing work of the school staff as they engage with students and set them up for success reminds me of the importance of the work the school division does everyday.

The Board of Education had its annual organization meeting recently. Congratulation to Janet Kotylak on her re-election as Board Chair and to Terry Berglund for being elected Vice Chair. I would also like to welcome Kimberly Kiel to the Board of Education as she becomes the board members representing Subdivision 9, following her by-election win this week.

Lastly, I'd like to provide a bit of information about our progress when it comes to aligning division policies and procedures with the legislation changes in the recently passed Bill 137, also known as the Parental Bill of Rights. Most of what's in the Bill is not new and is already part of our what we do in Prairie Valley. However, to be in compliance with the law, we will make some changes to our Administrative Procedures (APs) in relation to the presentation of sexual health content and to how gender identity is handled in our schools. This work on our APs is happening now but it will take time to complete. I addressed this in the last Board of Education meeting. Our top priority will always be the safety and well-being of our students, but we also need to ensure all our staff members are equipped and supported as we make these changes to comply with the new legislation. These are complex issues, and for our students' sake we need to get this right. I ask for your patience as we work through this process and commit to communicating more details when they are available.

As the winter season approaches, I encourage everyone to respect the weather that can come with the time of year and take the appropriate precautions when travelling. PVSD has many staff members who commute each and every day to get to their jobs and do good work for students and the school division.

Take care, have a great day, and remember the glass is also half full!
